Secret Episode One: This show is a secret bonus show. It will self destruct NOW!
Episode Thirteen: Crappy wait-staff won’t keep this show from happening!
Episode Twelve: We have no idea what’s going on! HOW DOES THIS EVER GET MADE?!
Episode Eleven: In this special episode of Puke & the Gang: Puke learns that being racist, sexist & homophobic will make him a famous and successful comedian.
Episode Ten: We made it to ten episodes; such low standards… ALARM!
Episode Nine: This podcast needs enough room to reach 88 miles per hour!
Episode Eight: In which our heroes discover the magic of magnets, the most offensive word, and Belgian beer.
Episode Seven: “No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die! … Right after listening to this show.”
Episode Six: Hurricane edition; now with more blowing and less sucking.
Episode Five: In which our guest is nearly crippled by a flying disc.