417: ChatVID-19
Episode 417: While everyone is bored to death during this COVID-19 crisis, we have a casual conversation with the chatters. We talk about how we are dealing with this situation, what we’ve done to prepare, why Brett went to NH, and just whatever else we or the chat can think of. The second half got…
PCL202: Part 2 of ChatVID-19
PCL202: Part 2 of ep417. We went off the drinking rails during the second half. We discuss astrology, self authoring, and a bunch of other stuff we can’t remember due to the drinking. What a mess.
416: I Knew You Were a Firesign
Episode 416: Surrounded by our usual plethora of toilet paper we are joined guests by Alex and Amy. Andrew and Amy traveled the dragon’s tail in a rented Camaro. It doesn’t end well. Alex tries to buy toilet paper in these trying times. Puke screams about the impending vape flavor ban.
415: NOlive Garden
Episode 415: Brett has several interesting conversations. Andrew is confused by true crime. Tempted to shit-post. Coronavirus prepping. Andrew forced to go to Olive Garden. Puke tries to get a job interview. Driving a car in circles.
414: shITALY
Episode 414: Poop after Italy. Pooping album cover. Poop in a bucket. Poop stuck in a pipe. Cars that are poop. How to not drive like poop. First dates (don’t poop). Concerts better than a poop. Leap Day poop. Urineterns.