
573: Escape from LA-dy

573: Escape from LA-dy

Recording Date – 05 / May / 2023

The Gang – Andrew & Puke

Intro Song – “Hope for the Future (Where Did You Go)” by Jackson Jackson

Outro Song – “End Credit Theme” from Escape From LA

Guest –  Brett

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Talkings About – 

~ New studio.

~ Noises!

~ Groundhog update.

~ Brett’s new apartment with Gabriela.

~ New Lou’s.

~ Traffic in Pittsburgh.

~ Andrew watches a retarded lefty on Tim Pool.

~ Steven Segal can’t run. / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLKoXlRCpzg 

~ Tom Cruise can run. /  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aloOiE3B1I 

~ Steven Segal fights in a chair. / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJ0nsaABbDo 

~ Andrew has a new giant house as well. 

~ Mouse basement.

~ Birds!

~ Roofs.

~ Animals!

~ AI rant from Andrew.

~ AI helps Puke edit photos.

~ The digital world.

~ Brett’s doomsday predictions.

~ Andrew is there, with Sylvester Stallone…

~ “White vinegar up my dickhole.”

~ Analyzing the Stallone dream.