
581: The Only People Going To See It Is Me… and That Boy

581: The Only People Going To See It Is Me… and That Boy

Recording Date – 30 / June / 2023

The Gang – Andrew & Puke

Intro Song – “An Incredible State of Affairs” by Brewer & Shipley

Outro Song – “They Gutted This City” by Bedouin Soundclash

Guest –  NEIN! 

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Talkings About – 

~ New way of thinking about getting old.

~ Drywall

~ The Canadian smoke!

~ Pakistan smoke.

~ “Darshan” cigarettes from the middle east.

~ Pakistan population.

~ The mighty Ohio river blight.

~ Pollution Warriors

~ Andrew has no sympathy.

~ Regressing for future generations.

~ Arguing about wind-mills vs nuclear plants.

~ Chitty Chitty Bang Bang windmill.

~ CCBB windmill scene / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc9h6FC6QgU 

~ Andrew’s house gets new carpet.

~ Mattress height

~ Kid on the diving board.

~ Hot water

~ Andrew deals with a lot of blacks.

~ Dog poop in the rocks.

~ Raccoon shit!

~ Robots with lasers.

~ Andrew talks to a black guy that hates the PGH black mayor.

~ Supreme court rulings.

~ The black community.

~ Anthrocon

~ We solve racial tensions in America.

~ Is this the most racist show we’ve done?