
584: You Could Make a Horse Out Of Balloons

584: You Could Make a Horse Out Of Balloons

Recording Date – 21 / July / 2023

The Gang – Andrew & Puke

Intro Song – “Give It Time” by The Sloppy Boys 

Outro Song – “Don’t Know How To Party” by The Mighty Mighty Bosstones

Guest –  Brett

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Talkings About – 

~ We eat cheesecake!

~ Andrew needs to argue with Brett.

~ Brett eats the trail mix.

~ Puke’s family was in town.

~ Len & Larry’s

~ Old Grandpa tries to sleep.

~ What’s your problem with whipped cream?

~ Andrew sets a trap for Puke’s mother.

~ Niagara Falls

~ Heights of waterfalls.

~ Superman at Niagara Falls. / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ikd_hRnVR4 

~ Andrew will test drive a car. A Lotus Emira.

~ Andrew and Brett get a boy.

~ Fancy party we have to attend. 

~ Uncomfortable interactions. 

~ The 2 hour cocktail party.

~ Don’t be a big lady on the rope swing. 

~ Extreme Skip-It

~ Andrew describes boat tubing. 

~ You can’t make a horse.