
585: Get Out of Public!

585: Get Out of Public!

Recording Date – 30 / July / 2023

The Gang – Andrew & Puke

Intro Song – “Haw River Stomp” by Southern Culture On the Skids

Outro Song – “After You My Friend” by LagWagon 

Guest –  Brett & Gabriela

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Talkings About – 

~ We’re back from Cleveland!

~ Tall buildings in Cleveland and Pittsburgh.

~ Best cities to fart in. 

~ Population of Cleveland.

~ Rope swing update.

~ We went boating again.

~ Pee in the river!

~ Puke went on the tube this time. 

~ Does Andrew have a grandchild?

~ Gabriela’s 2 hour cocktail party.

~ Name Tag confusion. 

~ Party mandatory questions time.

~ Why Cleveland? Comedian Dave Smith.

~ Stupid hotel wedding.

~ Part of the Problem live podcast.

~ Puke snores and wakes Andrew.

~ Puke makes a joke while asleep.