
590: Geez, When Are the Rapists Gonna Get Here?

590: Geez, When Are the Rapists Gonna Get Here?

Recording Date – 12 / Sep / 2023

The Gang – Andrew & Puke

Intro Song – “I Don’t Remember” by Peter Gabriel

Break Song – “Train In Vain” by Dwight Yoakam

Outro Song – “Seven Nation Pusherman” by Brass Against

Guest –  Brett

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Talkings About – 

~ Tim Pool talked about 9/11

~ Andrew defends Tim Pool

~ What was GamerGate

~ Is there a drink called Bernard?

~ CosPlay

~ Culture War Podcast by Tim Pool

~ Are lefty women attracted to conservative men?

~ Sneaky Fuckers Strategy / https://www.benjaminbonetti.com/blogs/news/sneaky-f-uckers-strategy-kleptogamy-how-the-data-changed-to-suit-the-narrative#:~:text=The%20term%20%22sneaky%20fuckers%22%20was,success%20(Smith%2C%201993)

~ Every band starts out as a cover band.

~ Elite Donut 

~ Eviction incident in Garfield neighborhood in Pittsburgh. / https://www.wtae.com/article/william-hardison-jr-pittsburgh-active-shooter/44891585 

~ The shootout / https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/pittsburgh-garfield-shooting-officers-on-leave/ 

~ Andrew hates this podcast, Citycast Pittsburgh. / https://pittsburgh.citycast.fm/podcasts/what-the-rise-in-we-buy-houses-signs-means-for-pgh 

~ Thermites!

~ The evils of corporate home buyers!

~ House Hoarders

~ Kennywood!

~ Fuck the Potato Patch

~ Roller coasters are dumb.