
608: Nacho Credit

608: Nacho Credit

Recording Date – 12 / Feb / 2024

The Gang – Andrew & Puke

Intro Song – “Deutschland” by Rammstein

Break Song – “Bamboleo” by Gypsy Kings

Outro Song – “I’m Alive” by Johnny Thunder

Guest –  Brett

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Talkings About – 

~ New era! Improvised caterwauling! 

~ Trogdor arm.

~ Buying a suit.

~ Buying boots.

~ Guy with a sad, ugly hairstyle.

~ Smoking weed in a hotel.

~ African bird dancing. / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_94viw75ulc 

~ Brett danced with a trans. 

~ Is dancing effeminate? 

~ Are male musicians effeminate?

~ Macho Mandalorian

~ How to cope with situations.

~ Andrew can’t have fun at this club. 

~ Ladies freak out in the car while Andrew drives. 

~ These kids think they can Mario Kart.

~ Super Bowl 58

~ Too many sandwiches.

~ Brett rides the bus.

~ Aggressive hobos.