
610: BusBoner.com

610: BusBoner.com

Recording Date – 22 / Feb / 2024

The Gang – Andrew & Puke

Intro Song – “Pervert” by Nerf Herder

Break Song – “Doin’ Laundry” by Nerf Herder

Outro Song – “Love Sandwich” by Nerf Herder

Guest –  Brett

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Talkings About – 

~ Websites ruined Andrew’s day.

~ Parade authority.

~ Talking about race

~ Shootout! The hockey kind.


~ The curse of the Bambino

~ Google Gemini AI is super racist/woke. / https://notthebee.com/article/my-dudes-googles-gemini-ai-is-woke-as-heck-and-people-have-the-receipts-to-prove-it 

~ Porn is the bleeding edge of the internet.

~ The generations of porn.

~ Funny Porn Intros

~ Actually talking about why websites ruined Andrew’s day.

~ Today’s great phone outage. / https://www.cbsnews.com/news/outage-map-att-where-cell-phone-service-down/ 

~ Chip-Chopped Ham

~ Brett’s solution is to do nothing!

~ Alabama embryo law / https://apnews.com/article/alabama-supreme-court-from-embryos-161390f0758b04a7638e2ddea20df7ca

~ Andrew get’s enraged by this Pittsburgh podcast / https://pittsburgh.citycast.fm/podcasts/us-steel-pays-up-flooding-and-a-volcano-on-the-south-side 

~ The computer died!

~ Back to the Gertrude Stein talk.

~ Angry bus rant! 

~ Rebellion is being sold and bought.