
632: Mustardation

632: Mustardation

Recording Date – 21 / Aug / 2024

The Gang – Andrew & Puke

Intro Song – “Fortunate Son” by Creedence Clearwater Revival

Break Song – “You Missed” by Tom MacDonald

Outro Song – “Lose Your Head” by Bad Religion 

Guest –  Brett

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Talkings About – 

~ M60 vs M240

~ What is gauge?

~ Esoteric nomenclature!

~ Car model codes.

~ Brett invents clip genie.

~ Memories of the past.

~ Buttered dicks.

~ Dick skin relief.

~ Andrew re-tells the dick-spice story.

~ Milk Dick

~ Trump shooting.

~ Brett knows what theses fuckers are gonna do.

~ Who is Chris Martenson?

~ Is Biden a clone?

~ A Godfather 2 scene. / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wtFKXaltKY 

~ More Trump conspiracies.

~ Naming the Presidents backwards.

~ Andrew went to the Allegheny Forest and integrated a cop.

~ Mustarded

~ Gulden’s Spicy Brown

~ Puke realizes the water tower at the Butler Farm show is in line with the 2nd shooter theory!

~ Beer can diorama.

~ Too coincidental.

~ Why was there a pause?

~ Iron sights or red-dot? What is the difference?