
635: Pistachioed

635: Pistachioed

Recording Date – 12 / Sept / 2024

The Gang – Andrew & Puke & Brett

Intro Song – “The Baseball Card Song” by The Baseball Project 

Break Song – “Math Suks” by Jimmy Buffett

Outro Song – “Memories of the Alhambra” by Tarrega

Guest –  Young Alex

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Talkings About – 

~ Pickle eaters.

~ Alex is the kid.

~ The bases of baseball and sex.

~ If you did it to your mom, then you can’t put it on the bases. 

~ It’s 9/12!

~ Wedding baseball!

~ If it wasn’t for Alex we wouldn’t have been there.

~ How do we know what pop music is now?

~ Tattoochioed or Pistachioed?

~ Did Alex break his back?

~ What is a Coney Dog?

~ SpaceX spacewalk.

~ An aroma that brings about a memory?

~ Smelling salts.

~ Jujimufu body-builder. / https://www.youtube.com/@jujimufu 

~ Brett’s hero is Wade Boggs. 

~ Arkansas sports teams.

~ Heroes

~ Affair with your Mom.

~ 9/11 anniversary.

~ The number 23.

~ Chinese lantern flies.

~ Spawning

~ The ending of Seinfeld, good or bad?

~ Alex talks about Greece shit.

~ When did Star Trek the Next Generation end?

~ Have you ever dreamed in a dream?

~ Beaver tails.

~ Learning about space.
~ Ass-tronauts.

~ Andrew learned about himself.

~ The Stroop Effect / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2rRZmeFi_M 

~ Color test!