
PATG001 – The beginning

*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 26 / July / 2011

Intro Song –

Host intros –

  • Puke- Guns, army, helicopters, cigars, reading stuff, video games, photographology, nerd, early FSP mover, we like the AceMan, snappy dresser (looks like a 63 year old in CA), works with the math
  • Andrew- Cars, driving, work, people who don’t work suck, video games, music, I hate people, moved to FSP in 09, movies, we like the AceMan, bad drivers, my 2 upcoming court cases
  • Luthor- facial hair, Snappy dresser (suits),  michael J. fox like rocker, excellent driver, trumpet losing ability, likes music, jobless

Shove it in your pie-hole –

New & Cool –

Curmudgeon Corner –

  • Dudes without shirts in the hot weather
  • The larger a chick’s sunglasses, the bigger of a bitch she is
  • People who think they have extra rights because they had kids
  • Movies today are all so cheesy!


News –

Flickfessions –

  • [Puke]
  • [280]
  • Epic Meal Time vs Cooking With Coolio

Outro song –
