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*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*
Intro Song –
- [artist] Hank Williams III
- [song] Dick in Dixie
Host intros –
Passions, likes, dislikes…crap like that.
Shove it in your pie-hole –
- [drink] Old Chub Scotch Ale
New & Cool –
- Top 5 car guys
- Why no refills for my pen?!
- Solo acts/spinoff bands versus original line-up – good, bad, neither?
- Solar Road
- SWAG = Stuff We All Get
News –
- Feces Sniffers
- 6 obnoxious things coming to cars – Cracked
- Beer becomes more appealing to me after its illegal
- Man accidentally shoots his penis
- The Most Vile Cocktail Shooters Ever – FoxNews.com
- Why Everything Is Dirtier – Jeffrey A. Tucker – Mises Daily
- [artist] Hank Williams III
- [song]Thrown Out of the Bar
Curmudgeon Corner –
- People who handle comic books improperly.
- Why no urinals in homes? Right on!
- Why does the bathroom door push open into bathroom but must be pulled open with filth riddled handle to get out?
- Men who think all other men are attracted to exactly the same kind of women as they are.
- Why are 80’s shit bands widely loved in all genres?
- Fuck Ebay!
- [280]
- Bad movies keep me up. Good ones put me to sleep.
- [Puke]
- “The Pacific” miniseries –http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0374463/
- [Luthor]
- American: the Bill Hicks Story
Outro Song –
- [artist] Hank Williams III
- [song] My Drinkin’ Problem