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*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*
Intro Song –
- [artist] The Like
- [song] Walk of Shame
Host intros –
Heineken? Fuck that shit!
Guest –
- [guest] Der Schless
- [About] Ginger
- [URL] FreeKeene.com
Curmudgeon Corner –
- [puke] Banks and their damn plastic cards
- [andrew] Video game walk-throughs
- [puke] Cat choking on gum-bands from last show
Shove it in your pie-hole –
- [drink] Allagash Dubbel Ale
- [drink] Allagash Tripel Ale
- [food] Munchos
News –
- [puke] Women Gun Owners: A Trend on the Rise
- [andrew] LA Car Fires
- [andrew] The heavy hand of the library. Seinfeld correlation-Bookman
- [artist] The Like
- [song] He’s not a boy.
More News –
- [puke] ‘Lord of the Rings’ & ‘Star Wars’ Swordsman Bob Anderson Has Died
- [puke] What Is a Hangover?
- [puke] What Do Those Mysterious Lumps on Your Cables Do? this too?
- [luthor] Finally, a candidate I can truely get behind
New & Cool –
- [puke] Genius Scale Only Shows You How Much You’ve Gained Or Lost
- [andrew] Siri says STFU!
- {LUTHOR} Sterling, Cooper, Draper, Pryce Watches
- [andrew] Rolling Ice Ball
- [puke] Horrible website to burn your retinas
- [luthor] Cubelets!
- [andrew] Dyson Air Multiplier
- [luthor] The Revolution will be televised… on Cinemax.
Media-Gasm –
- [Puke]
- Nitro Circus: The Movie trailer
- Prometheus and The Hobbit trailers
- [280]
- [Luthor]
Outro Song –
- [artist] The Like
- [song] In the End
Luthor’s a goofer.
Der Schless
Here comes the train-wreck.
veinywoman.com burns the retinas.
Crazy Norwegian Cubelet guy.
280 had a drinking problem.