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*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*
Recording Date – 13 / Mar / 2012
Show Leader – Andrew
Intro Song –
- [artist] Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros
- [song] All in a Day
Guest –
- [Name] Nick
- [About] “Annoying, but in a way that you still want to be around him”
- [URL] www.nickryder.com
Host intros –
- [280] Keg-O-PBR and a video game tournament
- Puke was near Rochester, NY
- [nick] What do I do at the Y? And they think we’re gay.
- [andrew] 1-10 how bad of an idea is this?
Curmudgeon Corner –
- [puke] Why are man-hole covers always where you can’t avoid them?
- [andrew] Grandparents and the voicemail (you better play the voicemail – nr) (don’t got-280)
- [andrew] Work disobedience
Shove it in your pie-hole –
- [drink] Innis & Gunn
News –
- [andrew] I’m a believer. Hell exists
- [puke] Police Drone Crashes into Police Drones
- [andrew] Neighborhood watch kills boy.
- [artist] Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros
- [song] Cool’n Out
New & Cool –
- [listener-arron] www.manteresting.com
- [nick] Have you seen windows 8?
- [puke] Vaportrim
Media-Gasm –
- [Puke]
- [280]
- [nick]
More News –
- [luthor] My dream has come true
- [andrew] Emo kids stoned to death in Iraq
- [puke] It’s Possible to Steer Freakin’ Lightning with Freakin’ Lasers
- [andrew] Four drunk Amish crash buggy into pig mobile.
Outro Song –
- [artist] Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros
- [song] Johnny Appleseed