


*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 03 / Mar / 2013
Music picked by – [Puke]
The Gang: Puke, Andrew (some), Julia, Nick, Ali

Intro Song –

Host intros –

  • Puke & the Gang is now on Stitcher
  • Liberty Forum 2013
  • Julia is finally free!
  • Listener Robert W. wants to know why Julia’s coconut cum jar is so thick. She will explain it since she is not doing FB. And she’ll do it entirely in the 3rd person.
  • Julia is going through the Chunnel

Curmudgeon Corner –

  • [puke] The great chair/stool fiasco at work.
  • [andrew] Andrew (who never gets sick…) is sick with AIDS or some such.

Shove it in your pie-hole –

  • [drink] Rogue: Dead Guy Ale beer and such. Yes we’ve gotten really lazy and boring with these.


News –

New & Cool –

More News –


Incoherent Ramblings –

  • [See Below]

Outro Plugs –
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Thank the guest and plug them.

Outro Song –

Incoherent Ramblings – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
From: Karyn R.
Message: Hey Gang,
So… I’m sure this has happened to you. You’re talking to someone new, someone who’s an acquaintance, maybe a friend, and somehow, politics come up. They start explaining their philosophies, they’re probably liberal, and expecting you to agree with them, because, naturally, they think that all twenty-something people have the same opinions. And then, all of a sudden, you give up and say, “I’m a Libertarian”. You carefully watch their face as it changes from smugness to sympathetic. You can just tell they’re thinking, “I’m talking to a crazy person.”
So my question is, why? Why is being a third party so scary to people? I happen to attend a very liberal women’s college, so maybe this is just an issue with my community, but I thought you guys might have some insight.
Thank you,
Karyn R.
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Photos – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

This weeks gang, with Andrew playing with the calendar in the background.

Putting their feet up like a bunch of slackers.

Andrew looking miserable in the back.

Julia’s new boots.
