


*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 28 / Apr / 2013
Music picked by – [Andrew]
The Gang – Puke, Andrew, Julia

Intro Song –

Guest –

  • [Name] Mike
  • [About] No one knows….

Weekly Ramblings –

  • Puke’s brother’s wedding.
  • Mike in Tacoma Sent yet another care package!
  • Candyball

Curmudgeon Corner –

  • [puke] Saying “Bless you.” when someone sneezes.
  • [puke] Am I an asshole? – Ordering a shitload of food and dessert when on a company lunch.
  • [andrew] I almost bought a car

Shove it in your pie-hole –

Break Song –

News –

New & Cool –

More News –

Incoherent Ramblings –

  • [See Below]

Outro Plugs –

Outro Song –

Incoherent Ramblings – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
From: Tyler J.
Message: Uhhh well i was up all night during the lockdown in Boston and manned to get loads of amateur and professional pictures of the nazi state we were in. Haven’t heard nicks solo show yet, but i want to know what all of you thought about that
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From: T. Jones
Message: This is not necessarily for the show, just wondering your thoughts on this. And if you mention it, don’t mention my name, i have some friends that would get offended lol. Do you hate blind patriotism like i do? Do you hate hypocrites? Do you think Mitt Romney would’ve saved ‘merica over night? Welll, turns out, there Ste a lot of dumb fucking idiots that have such philosophy. I’m no fan of Obama myself, but crying about him is not going to change anything. You see, there are all these morons walking around every day. I listen to a lot if different types of music, but in country, i find this horse shit message in almost every make country artist. Rah rah go ‘merica, we the best. There’s actually a song called “Made in America”. Sounds like a decent song, had a good feel, but upon listening to the lyrics, it turns out to be some bullshit about inky buying things from America. Trucks, dip, beer, clothes. Now that’s just sad to me. This instills into all of these young rednecks, the same patriotic message. But these are the same people that turned on one of their favorite artists, because he came out as an Obama supporter. Would you turn on Manson because of his view on abortion or something? No! These are the same people that think ol mitt would’ve just saved the day. Why does music shape society? Like some people that listen to rap believe they have to live the life style they talk about. Same with country music (not like you give a fuck). I had this redneck at my old job tell me, he wouldn’t care if his son snuck out, stole his truck, got drunk, and went to jail, all in the same night, but if he tried weed, he might catch his first assault charge.. Really? Is that what Toby Keith taught you? Same guy that says alcohol “ain’t no damn drug cuz the gobment says it’s legal”. Wonderful logic. I’m not saying i support kids smoking pot, but that’s just a terrible way to live. Now back to America. Some of these fine folks blindly support war as well, which sound like they should team up with Obama. Like what the fuck. I like war, i like my guns and booze, but that damn weed and Obama. Idk I’m rambling now and i forgot some points but oh well.
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Photos – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Julia loves her some caffeine.


Mike brought his own wine.

Pull-up contest. We hadn’t even started drinking yet.


Colleen brought muffins!

Andrew eats a carrot muffin.


Mike playing in the chat.

Julia does not approve of your carrot muffins.

Pouring beer out of a growler is hard.

Mike Cat GIF

Mike’s shirt will suck you into hell!

GOD NO! Spilled Mangria and the show’s first broken glass.

Puke laments his lost wine glass.

Ravers gonna rave.

Package of awesome from Mike in Tacoma.
