


*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 02 / June / 2013
Music picked by – [listener: Anthony Harvey]
The Gang – Puke, Andrew, Julia, Nick, Marcus, Ali

Intro Song –

Guest –

Weekly Ramblings –

  • It’s so damn HOT!!! Nick has a super secret awesomeness senses!

Curmudgeon Corner –

  • [andrew] Why can’t you all be like me?!!!
  • [puke] My motorcycle was moved and dropped by someone on Memorial Day.
  • [puke] We’re building a table for our new studio. Also, Home Depot sucks.

Shove it in your pie-hole –

Break Song –

News –

New & Cool –

More News –

Incoherent Ramblings –

  • [See Below]

Outro Plugs –

Outro Song –

Incoherent Ramblings – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
From: Jonathon Law (our 1 black listener)
Message: Puke and the gang,
I’ve taken offense to you all using the N word. Well, just you Puke.
And I only take offense because I think I’m supposed to! I’m just
kidding, I like the show! Been a fan since episode 52.

Julia, if you could, put up some links to what your current favorite
songs are. I’m 33 now but i’ve been listening to electronica since the
sixth grade, and settled on DnB as my favorite genre. I do like some
dubstep, because I am, as I’ve stated before, a brotha!
In closing, bring back the Huey Lewis outro song!!!
P.S.  wtf does this tag mean??
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From: Karyn R.
Message: Dear Puke and the Gang,
As a born and raised North Carolinian, I decided to weigh in on my state’s apparent hatred for the Tesla company. I don’t know a lot about cars, and I’m not clear on all the details of the proposed legislation, but I can attest to NC’s serial superfluous lawmaking of recent years, and frankly, I’m not surprised. Last year, the majority voted in favor of defining marriage to be only between one man and one woman (a completely unnecessary specification; personally, I think the entire idea of “legal marriage” is ridiculous.) As such, I am not surprised to hear of another nanny-state propaganda law, which certainly should not be at the top of our new (surprisingly, Republican) governor’s priority list. Disgusting crimes, domestic violence, and the constant raging drug war must surely outshine Tesla’s ability to sell cars without the use of tacky dealerships. Unfortunately, the latter problem is the arbitrary “issue of the week” on which our state government chose to focus.

On a different note, I would also like to say how much I appreciate Julia as a co-host on the show. I realize she is now a bit of a veteran to P&TG, and this email is maybe a year late, but I really enjoy a female presence on the show. Though I began listening back in the sausage-fest days, I must say I think that Julia’s unique perspectives (and, of course, taste in music) really adds a different element that helped make the show for me. However, I still enjoy listening to all of you equally!
I hope this email wasn’t too long to read on air, but I feel it does somewhat qualify as an incoherent rambling.
Stay Classy,
Karyn R.
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From: Randall F.
Message: Hey gang,
Were you guys able to wash the smell of dirty hobo out of the new studio after Luthor left, or is that still an ongoing battle? 🙂

Ok Short story time.
I work in a grocery store doing very boring things for very little money. As it is so boring some of us need to entertain ourselves or bad things will happen. Ever since I found out where Andrew works, (as a sort of tribute) I always choose his company’s bread to use when we play football in the backroom.

But I should get to the point of why I’m writing to you guys.
I found some music that I like and thought I’d pay it forward.

The guys is dead now but Its RL Burnside. I’m really enjoying his Blues/GarageRock/Punk tones. Checkout his albums An Ass Pocket of Whiskey, and A Bothered Mind.

Why do my messages always turn out so long? Well, fuck it I’m not gonna sit in front of a screen for 20 minutes over thinking and attempting to revise this.
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From: Marco (our 1 Mexican listener)
Message: Dear Puke and the Gang
Every time since I started listening to you podcast I’ve wanted to send you these songs with the hope that you like them and maybe somewhere in the future you will play them on the show. The first one think you and Andrew will like it, is about the schizophrenic Christopher Robin from Winnie the pooh and the song is called Christopher Robin’s Dead, and the name of the band is Mas Rapido! (More Fast), the second song I think Andrew will like is  from a Mexican Ska band named  Panteón Rococó and the name of the song is “La Carencia” a very catchy song, I hope you give them a listen and see if you like them. I don’t have a song for Julia because I don’t know too much about techno music, but I’m searching for a song for her. Please forgive my English and ma grammar
Your number one Mexican fan
Marco Avila
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From: Anthony Harvey
Message: When you guys look up Have Gun Will Travel put band at the end becuse there is a tv show also by the same name and by the way Puke a couple of weeks ago you called me a girl and just have to say that was not called for but I forgive you becuse you and all the gang are awesome !
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From: Marco (our 1 Mexican listener)
Message: Dear Puke and the Gang
I don’t know if you had heard about mashup songs, a mashup song is a song or composition created by blending two or more pre-recorded songs, usually by overlaying the vocal track of one song seamlessly over the instrumental track of another. So I found some very hilarious ones that I would like you to listen.
Sincerely your #1 Mexican fan
Justin Bieber vs. Slipknot – Psychosocial Baby
The Eurythmics vs. The White Stripes
Pink Floyd Vs. The Bee Gees
The Doors Vs. Blondie
Nirvana vs. Michael Jackson
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Photos – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Julia’s happy dance for when she successfully builds a computer.

Nick found a creepy sex poem!

Nick cracking up trying to read the poem.

The sex poem.

Dreamy hair.

Andrew spreading his non-stench.

Andrew looking to hook-up with a big and girth black Marcus.

The new studio cat, Ravage.

Nick’s new workspace.

The church pews everyone but Andrew gets to sit on.
