


*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 21 / July / 2013
Music picked by – [Andrew]
The Gang – Puke, Andrew, Julia, Nick

Intro Song –

Guest –

Weekly Ramblings –


Shove it in your pie-hole –

  • [drink] Beer!
  • [food] Cookies!
  • [smoke] Cigarettes!

Break Song –

Incoherent Ramblings –

  • [See Below]

Curmudgeon Corner –

  • [andrew] Bible Camp
  • [puke] Why is that guy pissing so loud?
  • [nr] Gas stations are yelling at me.

Outro Plugs –

Outro Song –

Incoherent Ramblings – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
From: Vernon M.
Message: So I listened to the podcast from this past weekend. It was great, but I didn’t win bingo, yet again. Also, I haven’t heard the “I’m an old faggot!” drop in quite a while. Wear that one out for me next time, will ya? I ain’t a faggot or anything, I just like taking the power out of words like


Yeah, that shit’s good.
Anyways, Puke was talking about weird Japanese porn he’s run across; the whole pseudo-rape weird stuff. Uhhh, here’s spider attic porn? The quad-view POV is hilarious.. don’t spiders have eight eyes?


Obviously nsfw, just thought I’d mention that. The ending.. well, just, wow. I couldn’t have written a better script: “Tuck his dick’n’balls between his legs and wrap him up in web, since she’s a black widow.”

Enough of that hilarious horse-shit.
I’ve got a question about stopping time, too. If someone can stop time and do “things” to you, how would you know that it had even happened? Ever woken up kinda worn out when you got plenty of sleep? Maybe someone’s stopped time and violated you?
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From: Vernon M.
Message:  Oh damn, I know I just sent you an email, but I tossed “funny” into the search engine of xhamster from when I had that spider crazy thing pulled up and found this. My ass fell off while laughing, or ‘mafowl,’ as we colloquially call it ’round here. NSFW holy shit hahahaha.
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From: Mike in Tacoma
Message: We are eating at the Irish restaurant in Ocean shores, Wa. We always sit at the tables with the chalk tops. So here ya go my friends.

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From: Vernon M.
Message: Hey guys, check out this ridiculous shirt:
What kind of fucking asshole would shell out $120 for this?
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From: Andrew S.
Message: Dear Puke and the Gang,

I had a blast meeting you guys at PukeFest 2013, Mosquito Edition.
It was a lot of fun getting to hear the show live, but I must admit
that I was a little apprehensive at first about attending the live
recording. When I saw a Ford Ranger and an MR2 pull up to the campsite
next to mine, I felt too star-struck to say hello. I mean, let’s face
it, I was in the presence of the greatest podcasters the world has
ever known.

After I approached the tent, and did not get yelled at to get the fuck
off your lawn, I felt a tremendous sense of relief. You guys and
everyone in the audience were awesome and friendly. I enjoyed being
able to share cold beer and snacks with folks, and maybe I can do it
again if you have another live show.

I just listened to your latest show, and yes, brake drums are the
devil! I spent the same weekend as Puke and Andrew replacing the rear
drums on my Toyota. After all the blood, sweat, and tears, I have
vowed never to work on brake drums again.

Out of spite, I ended up donating the used drums for target practice
at a local “gun church” that meets in the woods once a week like the
folks near where you live. They meet on Saturdays, so they are really
more like a gun synagogue or temple (“I never knew how crazy the Jews
were!”). Speaking of drops, I too find myself mouthing drops while
listening to the show. Should I seek help?

Finally, to cut to the chase, the real reason I am writing to you is
because I would like to know how I can contribute to the show. I don’t
have Bitcoins, and I am not as creative as Mike in Tacoma to come up
with cool things to send. I was thinking that I would try to see if
Brewtopia has gift certificates next time I’m in town, but otherwise
I’m at a loss for how to give back to a show that has touched my life
in a positive way. Please let the fans know how we can help.

Thank you so much for doing what you do.

Rock on!
~Other Andrew (Not Andrew Carroll)
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From: Karyn R.
Message: Hey Gang!
A few quick things:
1. At Pukefest, summer edition, Andrew drunkenly promised to eat a strawberry on the 100th episode. I think we should hold him to that.
2. I agree that the Shire church, though it is a good idea, sounds creepy, and as an outsider, I would consider it bad PR for the Free State Project.
3. Here is a link to a cool article I found about the Boston Bomber being on the cover of Rolling Stone. The author has several good points and I thought it would be cool for the news.
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Photos – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Ian helping us get some audio issues fixed.

Nick and cat friend.


Nick didn’t quite get the focus right.

Andrew ate a pecan shortbread cookie!
