


*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 19 / Jan / 2014
Music picked by – [Andrew]
The Gang – Puke, Andrew, Julia, Nick, Brett

+ Drinking beer? Need a glass to remind you of your favorite podcast whilst drinking that beer? BAM! > pukeandthegang.com/store

Intro Song –
~ [artist] The Slackers [all songs from a recent cover album: The Radio]
~ [song] Jeepster (by: T. Rex)

Guest –
~ [Name] Brett V.
~ [About] Roommate to the Stars
~ [URL] School Sucks Project – Education evolution.

Weekly Ramblings –
~ LIVE @ the NH Liberty Forum, Saturday, February 22nd in theFTL basement dungeon.
~ Puke had a dream he kept finding spiders all over his apartment.
~ Test driving cars

Curmudgeon Corner –
~ [p] Creepy lesbian co-worker pursuit.
~ [p] I’m annoyed by last weeks comment that wrecking my bike is the same as wrecking a car.
~ [p] Iranian man: 60 yrs, no bathing. Smokes feces in a pipe.

Shove it in your pie-hole –
~ [drink] Longtrail Farmhouse IPA (variety pack)
~ [drink] Wolaver’s Organic Sampler

Break Song –
~ [artist] The Slackers
~ [song] The Letter (by: The Box Tops)

Big Sausage Pizza porn website!

News –
~ [p] NH House of Reps approved legalizing marijuana for recreational use!
~ [nr] Terrorists have a present for the Olympics [Real or just fear tactics for attention?]
The US is nervous about it and spending billions
~ [p] Only 33 cops killed by gunfire 2013. Lowest in 120 years.
~ [Listener John M.] The Swiss cheese pervert.

New & Cool –
~ [Product review by Andrew] Drop Stop
~ [p] Where is your god now? Oh, getting hit by lightning.
~ [a] Parking ticket lawyer app thing.
~ [p] Buy a replica of your unborn fetus; why not?
~ [p] 8 things that you only believe due to advertising.

More News –
~ [p] Duck Masher update part 3!
~ [p] The DEA is scared that weed legalization will hurt their enormous profits.

Incoherent Ramblings –
~ [See Below]

Outro Plugs –
~ Official website @ www.Puke and the Gang.com
~ Donate to our booze fund with Bitcoins or PayPal
~ Subscribe, rate, and review the show @ iTunes and Stitcher
~ Follow, Like, and Converse Twitter  and Facebook
~ See the show Live Stream @ PukeAndTheGang.com/Live
~ Instagram – Puke @ DoomsDayDevice
~ Email us your questions, incoherent ramblings,
or get advice @ show@pukeandthegang.com

Outro Song –
~ [artist] The Slackers
~ [song] Like a Virgin (by: Madonna)

Incoherent Ramblings – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
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Photos from this episode can be seen and commented on @facebook.com/PukeAndTheGang/photos_stream
