


*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 08 / Feb / 2014
Music picked by – [Andrew]
The Gang – Puke, Andrew, Nick, Brett

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Intro Song –
~ [artist] The Soviettes
~ [song] Multiply and Divide

Weekly Ramblings –
~ Super Bowl XLVIII / thoughts and squares

~ V5oG1B7qwnGBRAqaZwRO87vDhtVHHb1PLwTIEUaIPXseXCwp9m0iesNeEstll9tX22F58-iTh4nxcg8kw-fSDthWkPfSjFeYhMvmEfS4DO1kcRWooUe4KUjBuQ <<<< The Rapist!

~ It takes 2 weeks for Puke to get pulled over for speeding.
~ PukeandCop

~ Andrew gets a cold. (Even though he never gets sick.) Doesn’t know how to blow his nose.
~ Andrew almost collapsed at work.

Shove it in your pie-hole –
~ [drink] Coming Soon: P&TG Porter made by Scott in Texas

Break Song –
~ [artist] Tom Romero  The Skeletones
~ [song] Bump

Curmudgeon Corner –
~ [p] All the smug anti-superbowl FB comments vs. the pro-superbowl comments.
~ [a] Phone cracked
~ [topic] Embarrassing bucket list
~ [p] Who is that old guy that pees at a urinal with both hands on the wall like he is being frisked in South Compton?
~ [p] Coworker won “$250k” lottery ticket. What would you do? Also, I bet she will be divorced in a year.

Incoherent Ramblings –
~ [See Below]

Outro Plugs –
~ Official website @ www.Puke and the Gang.com
~ Donate to our booze fund with Bitcoins or PayPal
~ Subscribe, rate, and review the show @ iTunes and Stitcher
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~ See the show Live Stream @ PukeAndTheGang.com/Live
~ Instagram – Puke @ DoomsDayDevice
~ Email us your questions, incoherent ramblings,
or get advice @ show@pukeandthegang.com

Outro Song –
~ [artist] Morningwood
~ [song] Nth Degree

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Photos from this episode can be seen and commented on @facebook.com/PukeAndTheGang/photos_stream
