


*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 29 / Mar / 2014
Music picked by – [Andrew]
The Gang – Puke, Andrew, Nick, Brett

+ Drinking beer? Need a glass to remind you of your favorite podcast whilst drinking that beer? BAM! > pukeandthegang.com/store

Intro Song –
~ [artist] The Planet Smashers
~ [song] Surfin’ in Tofino

Guest –
~ [Name] Brett Veinotte
~ [About] Man of Poop Mystery
~ [URL] School Sucks Project

Weekly Ramblings –
~ Nick is sick. Nick doesn’t know how to be sick.
~ Waffle Tacos!

Curmudgeon Corner –
~ [p] My brother asked if I talked about him on this podcast. Awkward!
~ [a] House shopping
~ [a] I’m not a video game person
~ [a] I got a job
~ [nr] I got drunk and painted my phone. Now I have a new phone.

Shove it in your pie-hole –
~ [drink] Porter made by Puke’s Friend Scotty in Texas

Break Song –
~ [artist] The Planet Smashers
~ [song] Opportunity

News –
~ [p] Fat woman wants to be even fatter for internet fame.

Incoherent Ramblings –
~ [See Below]

Outro Plugs –
~ Official website @ www.Puke and the Gang.com
~ Donate to our booze fund with Bitcoins or PayPal
~ Subscribe, rate, and review the show @ iTunes and Stitcher
~ Follow, Like, and Converse Twitter  and Facebook
~ See the show Live Stream @ PukeAndTheGang.com/Live
~ Instagram – Puke @ DoomsDayDevice
~ Email us your questions, incoherent ramblings,
or get advice @ show@pukeandthegang.com

Outro Song –
~ [artist] The Planet Smashers
~ [song] Missionary’s Downfall

Incoherent Ramblings – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
From: Marek
Message: Hello !
1. It looks like Keene is the worst in ID checking. The very last day we were there in one of the supermarkets, when I was buying ONE beer BOTH me and Iza were asked for ID. Seriously? How come showing up next to a person that is paying indicates that you are also going to drink?
Moreover, 1 week in NY -> no ID check at all! This is a big punch to the whole FSP from our point of view since we can’t fully enjoy our common hobby!
2. FYI. Iza is my wife since 5 years.
3. I had a great time in Keen and I am glad you socialized more due this fact. You should do more. Despite your strong need to be perceived as weirdos, in fact you are all really nice people. Hope to see you again some day.
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From: Nathan V.
Message: Yo gang,
I want to send you some bitcoin as I appreciate your incoherent ramblings on a regular basis, but I have one small hang up. I thought I heard Puke say a few weeks ago that he had lost access to the show’s wallet. Is the address on the front page still a good one to send bitcoin to?

With love,
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From: iTunes Review: Crystalck04
Message: This show is the worst show! Just kidding. It’s hard to pick a favorite podcast, but this one is definitely one of my favorites. It’s up at the top. Back when I was working, I could listen to podcasts with headphones. I would laugh out loud throughout the show. I’m pretty sure everyone around me thought I was nuts. Cheers to P&TG.
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From: Scotty in Texas
Message: Puke,
Beneath the luxurious green packing peanuts you see before you, you will find 16 pints of mediocre home brewed beer brewed just for you and your merry band of slackers. The magical liquid contained in these high-class PET plastic bottles is a blend of steeped English black patent roasted malt and amber and dark liquid malt extract. Chinook hops were selected to provide bitterness, a piney aroma, and a nod to our shared past. Tettnanger hops were added in the final minutes of the boil to add subtle floral and spice notes to the aroma. Even when served cold, this beer offers a tasty warm toasty body, reminiscent of coffee, with a piney spice finish. It is, in fact, a stout. I was shooting for a porter, but in my excitement to “go dark” with it, I overshot and landed solidly in the stout category. My initial thought was that this would make a good winter beer.
I recommend serving very cold in a hand washed pint glass. Hand Washing the glass will remove any grease that may have been deposited from a dishwasher. Grease will kill the head of a beer, preventing the drinker from experiencing the effervescence and aroma. Use the “perfect pour” technique when pouring. This will build a good frothy head that will fully release the aromas and enhance your beer drinking experience.
Should you find anything you would like to see improved upon in future batches, please provide feedback and I will try to incorporate it. I’d like to build a brew that you’d be proud to have your logo on. If you hate it altogether, fuck off and go buy Guinness you simple bastard.
On a final note, believe it or not, bottles are expensive. Please rinse these out and mail them back. If you do I’ll refill them and send them back up to you with an improved version of this beer, or another blend if you like. No need to send the caps. I’d like to share some of my other brews with you as the opportunity allows. Look forward to such labels as pugilist IPA and pacifist Weissbier in (my concepts for entry into the brew riot homebrew competition).
Enjoy the brew.
Scotty McWilliams
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Photos from this episode can be seen and commented on @facebook.com/PukeAndTheGang/photos_stream
