


*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 06 / Sep / 2014
Music picked by – [Puke/Andrew]
The Gang – Puke, Andrew, Tom

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Intro Song –
~ [artist] Talking Heads
~ [song] Cities  

Guest –
~ [Name] TVDS
~ [About] Professor of Titties

Curmudgeon Corner –
~ [a] Mom!
~ (castle in the clouds)
~ [a] Buying a not Andrew car
~ [puke] I’ve become obsessed with this shitty song. Calvin Harris: Summer

Shove it in your pie-hole –
~ [drink] Old English 800 malt liquor
~ [drink] Various pumpkin beers courtesy of Tom
~ [smoke] Acid Blondie

Break Song –
~ [artist] Talking Heads
~ [song] (Nothing But) Flowers

News –
~ [p] The Fappening
~ [p] Man kills himself with style in NYC.
~ [p] CNN has an interesting music choice for this 103 y/o woman.

New & Cool –
~ [p] Pentagon Has ‘Everything Must Go’ Sale
~ [p] Hacker Typer

Game –

10 things every man should know about dating before 25

Link: http://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/advice/a6019/things-guys-should-know-about-dating/


Dating in your early 20s is weird. It stops being acceptable to watch a movie in your parents basement, or meet someone who is equally as drunk, loud, and just as “really pumped up about this Third Eye Blind song” as you at a frat party. You actually have to put forth effort if you want to meet new people, and putting forth effort into something that uncomfortable sucks. Here’s how to date like a MAN.


10 Things you should never say to a woman:

Link: http://www.askmen.com/top_10/dating/top-10-things-you-should-never-say-to-a-woman.html


Sports have unwritten rules. These rules developed over the evolution of the game.  They were invented, and enforced, by players and coaches. If an unwritten rule is broken, the offending player will face the consequences.

Relationships have unwritten rules. Technically, all of the rules in dating are unwritten, but there are certain rules in relationships that are so obvious they really shouldn’t have to be explained.

Sadly, we’re going to have to explain them, because some guys are just plain clueless.

There are certain questions, phrases and demands you should never utter to a woman — whether it’s how many men they’ve been with sexually, how sex was for them or anything about their weight. While we could formulate a list of over a hundred (because guys say some incredibly dumb stuff to women) we’re going to concentrate on the 10 biggest gaffes men say to the opposite sex.

So here are the 10 things you should never say to a woman. If one of these rules is broken, the offender will have to pay the consequences

AskMen-Who are Nothing Like Us

Dont bring anybody back to your place unless you own these 10 things

Link: http://www.askmen.com/top_10/celebrity/things-every-guy-must-have-in-his-apartment.html

Sometimes you need a break from becoming a Better Man. This article is part of our new Recess series, in which we take things a little less seriously (OK, maybe a lot less seriously).

Every year, in early January, the technorati of the world convene in Las Vegas, Nev. to unveil the great tech that’ll be taking over our lives in the year — or years — to come. This ancient, mysterious practice is known as CES, which stands for Corpore En Satanum — or maybe Consumer Electronics Show. One of the two.

Well, even if it has nothing to do with the dark arts specifically, the spell that the high tech gadgets hold over many people is strong. As soon as the new tech trends are released, they rush to snap them up. Until they can get their hands on some Blu-ray or Bluetooth, they feel like they have BlueBalls. They scramble to tack up a wall-sized television onto a television-sized wall in order to impress the ladies they bring home. Well, enough of the madness.

A man’s home is his castle, and there are only a handful of items that are absolutely essential for maintaining a stronghold that will be as pleasing to live in as it will be pleasing to any lady you invite over. Thankfully we, the two hosts of the weekly advice series “Dude, Seriously?”, have decided to declassify this information and share these indispensable articles with our male brethren.
You may already own some of the more pedestrian tools and decorations that all men find useful, but follow our lead, and with a bit of commitment, creativity — and potentially, the willingness to perform a minor kidnapping — you’ll soon find a line of women knocking on your door. What’s that? You’re not a kidnapper? Well, read on, friend.

Incoherent Ramblings –
~ [See Below]

Outro Plugs –
~ Official website @ www.Puke and the Gang.com
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~ Email us your questions, incoherent ramblings,
or get advice @ show@pukeandthegang.com

Outro Song –
~ [artist] Talking Heads
~ [song] Wild Wild Life

Incoherent Ramblings – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
From: Rudibert M.
Message: Hey guys, I just realized (because of the discussion about how Nick should have been there to tell the hobo to leave) you are basically “Seinfeld” without Elaine! Julia WAS Elaine of course, it’s sad she’s gone. Andrew is the obvious Jerry, funny jew that’s into cars; Nick is Kramer, who says things that are brutally honest and just doesn’t give a crap; Puke is somehow George, but that’s a bit less of a perfect match.
Actually I can’t think of any good similarities, so I guess my theory falls flat after all…..

Anyway, the hobo-thing was crazy!! Great content i.m.o., but you might have alienated one of your biggest fans (Bridgid). Hopefully she can see that you weren’t being douchy.
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From: Eric L.
Message: You asked for it.  Here is a complete waste of time on sports:
Baseball has twice as many games per season and the stadiums typically hold a bit more than twice as many seats, so there is about four to five times as much supply, which is why hockey tickets are more expensive.  Here in MN, the purported “State of Hockey”, the least I have paid for a Wild ticket is more than the most I have ever spent on a Twins ticket.  It’s possible, but I have never done so.

Nick is correct that in baseball, doubleheaders are rarely scheduled, and are typically due to having to make up a game that weather prevented earlier in the season.  Technically, they are a “split doubleheader”, where you have two set start times, and they empty the staduim in between, and you need a ticket to enter each.  Historically, in the era before teams traveled by air, they were planned into the schedule, as the teams spent much more of their time traveling  Games then would be played back to back, and admittance would be for a single ticket.
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Photos from this episode can be seen and commented on @facebook.com/PukeAndTheGang/photos_stream
