


*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 08 / Nov / 2014
Music picked by – [Puke]
The Gang – Puke, Andrew, Nick, Ellen

+ Drinking beer? Need a glass to remind you of your favorite podcast whilst drinking that beer? BAM! > pukeandthegang.com/store

Intro Song –
~ [artist] Marius Paxcow
~ [song] Small Town Girl

Guest –
~ [Name] Dante
~ [About] Maine man; future podcaster.

Weekly Ramblings –
~ Voting, meh.  – Our nation’s election security controlled by old bored women!
~ Taser me bro! Video from Ep164
~ The new site is functional like a half-built death star…
~ Puke runs out of mcDonalds drive thru.
~ Andrew in Maine blizzard / hero of the road

Curmudgeon Corner –
~ [a] Pizza girl
~ [p] Happy halloween party photos
~ [p] Speech to text software
~ [p] Andrew doesn’t know
~ [p] Happy: I love my car still

Shove it in your pie-hole –
~ [drink] Clown Shoes: Pecan Pie Porter
~ [drink] Vodka, Tequila, and mixers
~ [snacks] Nutter Butter

Break Song –
~ [artist] Grouplove
~ [song] Ways to Go

News –
~ [p] Terminally ill Brittany Maynard kills self legally.

Incoherent Ramblings –
~ [See Below]

Outro Plugs –
~ Official website @ www.Puke and the Gang.com
~ Donate to our booze fund with Bitcoins or PayPal
~ Subscribe, rate, and review the show @ iTunes and Stitcher
~ Follow, Like, and Converse Twitter  and Facebook
~ See the show Live Stream @ PukeAndTheGang.com/Live
~ Instagram – Puke @ DoomsDayDevice
~ Send us your unwanted nik-naks!
63 Emerald St / Box# 421 / Keene, NH 03431
~ Email us your questions, incoherent ramblings,
or get advice @ show@pukeandthegang.com

Outro Song –
~ [artist] The Damned
~ [song] Little Miss Disaster

Incoherent Ramblings – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
From: King Tard
Message: Puke, I just wanted to let you know that I have dreams about having sex with you, too. PS – That Jew boy you do the show with is kind of cute.
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From: Jonathan
Message: Colleen asked what the downside of being a man could be and none of you cowards said anything, but perhaps you are all completely unaware of mens issues. So here’s some of the downsides of being a man. Suicide, men are much more likely to put a fucking bullet in their brain so as a start maybe that suggests to you that there might be some downsides to being male. The vast majority of people in prison are male. The vast majority of the homeless are male. The vast majority of work related deaths are male. In fact men are at greater risk of death from pretty much all causes as evidenced by their lower life expectancy. Mutilating the genitals of infant boys is perfectly acceptable in our society and women feel perfectly comfortable discussing their preferences in regards to the mutilated status of their romantic interests. Where corporal and capital punishment are still in use they are used almost exclusively against men and boys. And if a man ever gets married or has a child the family court system hangs over him ready to make him an indentured servant to his partner, take away his kids and generally ruin his life with the greatest injustices still in existence in the western world outside of Guantanamo fucking bay. Which is populated by 100% men by the way.   So yes Colleen, there are some downsides to being male.
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From: @cvramen
Message: @PukeAndTheGang Your ability to please your fans never ceases to impress me. #NH #Keene #Comedy #Podcasting#FreeStateProject #TazeMeBro
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From: @troyerrdt
Message: @PukeAndTheGang songs to pod to: puke & the gang featured artists spotify playlist:https://play.spotify.com/user/1254129665/playlist/51fDpg4Y90f2CS7arPuxu9 feel free to add
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From: @red0724
Message: @PukeAndTheGang it really is the greatest tragedy. You still selling more?

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From: Nantambu
Message: Puke and the gang has been getting better and better.
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From: Jeremy C.
Message: You did the stun-gun challenge, maybe you could do this next. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyPTU2r2I7o
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From: Nik in Illinoisey
Message: Brett has suggested multiple times on the show to change its name to Duke & the Gang. With all due respect to Brett, whom I always look forward to hearing on the show, I think we can do better than that. I like the name of the show just fine, but I can’t just let Brett’s suggestion stand unopposed and repeated each time he’s on. Here are five alternatives that I think are better:

* Talk Shit — because that’s most of what you do, and it has a double meaning because the word “talk” could be a verb or a noun. Downside: As with Penn & Teller’s Bullshit, the swear means the proper title can’t be named in most contexts and is difficult to advertise.

* The Jerk Circle — because it sounds dirty and tempts censorship without crossing the line. Downside: Probably too self-deprecating and implicitly insults the guests as well. Variation: The Circle of Jerks.

* Podcrap — self-explanatory. Downside: Probably too self-deprecating.

* The Downers — because you drink like fish and complain about everything. When you talk about what you’re drinking, you can say, “This is what we’re downing tonight”. Downside: Very negative and off-putting title, especially for a show that brings so much joy. Variations: The Downside, The Raging Downers.

* The PukeCast — retains the word “Puke” without necessarily implying that “Puke” is the name of anyone on the show. Downside: Still makes Puke sound like the center of the show when it is discovered that there *is* someone named Puke on it, and perhaps even more so because nobody else is even mentioned in the title.
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Photos from this episode can be seen and commented on @facebook.com/PukeAndTheGang/photos_stream
