


*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 15 / Nov / 2014

Music picked by – [Andrew]
The Gang – Puke, Andrew, Ellen, Nick via skeepe 

+ Drinking beer? Need a glass to remind you of your favorite podcast whilst drinking that beer? BAM! >  pukeandthegang.com/store 

Intro Song –
~ [artist] Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards
~ [song] Switchblade

Guest –
~ [Name] Tommy boy
~ [About] Fat guy in a little coat

Weekly Ramblings –
~ Puke on things that are perfectly legal.
~ Puke crashes his car.

GTI Crash-Small








~ I bough an Xba—….. . .  .   .    .

~ Thanks to listener Nick for XML tips

Curmudgeon Corner –
~ [t] NYC valay
~ [p] Our recording computer needs Windows
~ [nr] It’s gonna be winter on Monday and I barely finished raking.

Shove it in your pie-hole –
[Puke was drunk when he wrote the following notes.]

~ [drink] old overholt straight rye

james pepper 1776 rye

bass beer

cabo wabo tequila

jjim beam black

mysterty beer  redhook out of your gourd pumpkin porter


~ [food] shoefly pie

Break Song –
~ [artist] Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards
~ [song] 1%

Incoherent Ramblings –
~ [See Below]

Outro Plugs –
~ Official website @ www.Puke and the Gang.com
~ Donate to our booze fund with Bitcoins or PayPal
~ Subscribe, rate, and review the show @ iTunes and Stitcher
~ Follow, Like, and Converse Twitter  and Facebook
~ See the show Live Stream @ PukeAndTheGang.com/Live
~ Instagram – Puke @ DoomsDayDevice
~ Send us your unwanted nik-naks!
63 Emerald St / Box# 421 / Keene, NH 03431
~ Email us your questions, incoherent ramblings, or get advice @ show@pukeandthegang.com

Thank you :
~ Bradley M.  for the donation / Christina D. for buying the glass

 Outro Song –
~ [artist] Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards
~ [song] To Have and Have Not

Incoherent Ramblings – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

From: Zach

Message: I love listening to the break show. nothing beats drinking coffee in the morning and watching young children play at the playground across the street. and listening to Nick Ryder.

I love you all: Zack

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From: Secks Hurts

Message: Dearest Sir Puke & Madame Gang,

Longtime listener, first time emailer here…

I’ve been a fan of the show since the humble beginnings.  The day you end your show is the day I end my parakeet’s life.  For my parakeet’s sake please do us all a favore and keep Andrew’s lady pals away from the microphone.  I have questions that demand answers:



What is your favorite ethnicity?



Cars are gay.  Bicycle or Scooter?  Which Sucks less?



I’m moving to New Hampshire soon.  Will you join me for an adult beverage?  I like Cider.



Name your most recent bowel movement.



I’m assuming you are dead.  If you do not appear in next weeks episode I will plan your funeral.


Eat shit.

Eternally yours, Secks So Deap It Hurts.


PS: Please play the flaming lips:




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From: Aaron B

Message: @PukeAndTheGang New game on Steam. looks like plants vs zombies but…


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Photos from this episode can be seen and commented on @ facebook.com/PukeAndTheGang/photos_stream
