
PATG180 – Fuck the fat girl

PATG180 – Fuck the fat girl

*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 21 / Feb / 2015

Music picked by – [Andrew]

The Gang – Puke, Andrew, Nick


Intro Ideas: Brett Apologize


+ Sign up for our Private Chunnel Lounge at www.pukeandthegang.com/vip

+ Vote for our show at Podcast Land. All you need is an email address.


Intro Song –

~ [artist] The Pretenders

~ [song] My City Was Gone


Guest –

~ [Name] Tom

~ [About] Last minute snow-storm guest


Weekly Ramblings –


~ The house is ruined again [nr]


Incoherent Ramblings –

~ [See Below]


Shove it in your pie-hole –

~ [drink] All manner of liquors

~ [food] Prosciutto Panino


Break Song –

~  Clip from Private Chunnel Lounge episode 17


Weekly Ramblings –

~ Snow drifting / Puke drives a manual

~ How bad is this idea? Living in an RV.

Number 1 (Nicaraguan dentist!)

Number 2

Number 3


Curmudgeon Corner –

~ [p] It’s so cold your boogers freeze.

~ [p] The office break room community stir spoon

~ [a] City Folk


Game –

~ [Little description of the game.]


Outro Plugs –

~ Official website @ www.Puke and the Gang.com

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~ Instagram – Puke @ DoomsDayDevice

~ Send us your unwanted nik-naks!

63 Emerald St / Box# 421 / Keene, NH 03431

~ Email us your questions, incoherent ramblings,

or get advice @ show@pukeandthegang.com



Outro Song –

~ [artist] The Pretenders

~ [song] Waste Not Want Not


Incoherent Ramblings – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

From: Rich M.

Message: If you put your money into 401k, you can take a loan against it. That way, you pay yourself the interest instead of the bank. Take a loan from the 401k once you have enough to pay off student loan, then pay that off with interest, then move on to the next thing. It beats paying the international corporate lizard jew bankers their blood money.

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From: Jess

Message: Fun fire alarm story… I have a newer house with the fire alarms wired together, one goes off, they all go off. One night my boyfriend and I are sleeping and the fire alarms start going off, we jump out of bed in a panic (we sleep naked so that made it even more fun) thinking the house was on fire but in the time it took to open the door and run downstairs the alarms stopped. We checked the house, everything looks fine. We go back to bed… As soon as we’re asleep the alarms start going off again! And again they stopped 30 seconds later. There’s no way to tell which one went off first unless you hear it so we sat around and waited until they went off again, which they did. My boyfriend ripped the offending fire alarm out of the wall and we went back to bed without any issues. A few months later, it happened again in exactly the same way. We did some Googling and found out that this isn’t uncommon and is caused by… SPIDERS! Small spiders like to get into fire alarms and make their webs. The webs can build up enough that the smoke dector will ‘detect’ it and go off. So not only do you have to worry about the annoying dead battery beeping but you may want to open up your smoke detectors every couple months and vacuum them out just in case. No one wants to run around their house in the middle of the night naked thinking there’s a fire.

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From: Have Dale on Next Week

Message: Have dale on next week. he is funny and a good guest. also someone jack nick off he seems very angry lately

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Message: Yo wats up gang.

My name is Jimmy and I have a crush on thiz really pretty girl in my class. Shez very cute and funny and has a nice set of titzzz.. i would love to lose my virginity to her. But the problem is she may not no who I am. This is a problem since I really like her and wanna fuck her and eat her pussy. At the same time I have a girl that has been my fireend since I was little :and she really likes me. Only thing I don’t like bout her is she kinda fat and a little bit ugly. The good thing about her is she is nown to give up the pussy fast. I would really likle to lose my virginity to my dream gurl but the otha: girl is jus beggin me to stick my man meat into her deep pussy.. What should I do guys? Sud I fuck the fat chick and use her as practice or save myself for the girl I have the crush on? Be cool If I fuck my dream gurl but at da same time I really wanna fuck some pussy

Please help: Jimmy

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From: Powder Balls

Message: Hey guys! It wouldn’t be Puke & the Gang without a little car talk, so I’d like to hear what Andrew thinks about the Pontiac Stinger.


Love, Your favorite pair of freshly shaven-and-powdered testicles.

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From: Johannes D.

Message: Say, how many drops are you prepared to receive from me at any one time? Today I was bored and made 14, again available at…..[URL]…. I hope that’s not too much. But the best ones are “andrew gasp”, “nick sexist about bitches” and “puke sugar jizz too much”.

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From: Ideas for the PCL show

Message: here are some ideas for you queers assholes

  1. Nick News – give nick a weekly show of him just talking about the news for about 20 mins
  2. make nick watch porn – let puke find the most fucked up and vile porn on the internet and have nick watch and comment on it. the fans would love to hear Nick’s reactions.
  3. The Nick and puke show – since Andrew lives an hour away. Nick and puke and can do a pcl show by themselves.
  4. Andrew and ellen show – self explainitory
  5. Porn show have an episode where you guys talk about porn. I don’t know why, but someone might find it funny
  6. Luthor reunion show – get faggot ass luthor on an PCL show. you guys can talk about feelings and other gay shit.
  7. Julia reunion show – Have julia back on the show for an episode. the fans will love this. since most people fell in love with the show when she was a host. I’m unsure if this will happen since she probably hates nick.
  8. talk shit about keene – talk shit about all the gay shit going on in keene. personally i don’t give a shit about whats going down in keene. but andrew and the guys typically have a few funny jokes and comments about all the gay drama.
  9. P&TG talks to puke’s dad – interview Puke’s dad for the show. everyone would love to hear the crazy man who raised puke.
  10. Andrew tries – Purchase things andrew have never ate before and make him eat it. his reactions will probably be funny. Or buy disgusting shit off the internet and record everyone’s reactions. this can either done in video or audio. video would be better but whatever.

hope these help. probably won’t

bye faggitz

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From: Sandy

Message: I think this is the first time someone I know showed up as a sponsored ad in the FB sidebar

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Photos from this episode can be seen and commented on @ facebook.com/PukeAndTheGang/photos_stream

