
PATG282: Groundhog Lay

PATG282: Groundhog Lay

*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 15 / Apr / 2017

The Gang – Puke, Andrew, Nick

Intro – “Instrumental Experiment 6” by  Mike Carano


Guest –  [ Old Man ] ~ [ In a Cave ] ~ [ www.lemonparty.com ]


~~~  www. Puke And The Gang .com  ~~~

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Incoherent Listener Ramblings –

~ [See Below]


Break Promo –

~ PCL #114: Podcastmasters Part 2


Talkings About –

~ Andrew has a basement problem

~ Brett went to Yale

~ Groundhog Lay

~ Nick’s coworker gets a Beta fish

~ Brett Almost commits suicide

~ Easter Jew Time

~ David Dao / United Airlines

~ Brett is buying a car


News –

~ [URL] Giraffe!


New & Cool –

~ [topic] Very Specific Gift Cards


Incoherent Ramblings – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

From: Justin P.

Message: Fishing is a awesome past time. It’s all about being one with the nature, and getting out of the house and drinking i guess none of you guys have kids yet so you can’t fully appreciate it.

In n Out is by far the best fast food chain all the food is fresh, buns are delivered daily, meat is always fresh never frozen, fries are cut in front of you from real potatoes, amazing.

Fuck Starbucks. If your ever out west and looking for coffee and come across a windmill shaped drive thru Stop!!! Dutch Bros has the best espresso drinks. The two places I miss from California.


Now to the important stuff.

I have narrowed the truck buying down.

And would like to get all of your opinions, before I choose.


1st 2014 Ram R/t

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From: Obergruppenführer

Message: In west Butler born and raised

On the playground was where I spent most of my days

Chillin’ out maxin’ relaxin’ all cool

And drivin’ my Prelude outside of the school

When an old man in a Le Sabre who was up to no good

Started making trouble in my neighborhood

I got offered one blowjob and my mom got scared

She said, “You’re movin’ with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air.”

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From: Justin P.

Message: What the fuck nick?


Last night the wife con’d me into watching a survivor like TV game show on Hulu

( Kicking and Screaming) they pair nerdy People with Survival experts and compete for money in the jungle,


If you guys have did not already know that Nick was on this show refer to episode 2.


Andrew, it is not that complicated to weld on 22g sheet metal. If you can’t find someone with a spot welder you tube. How to preform a plug weld or utilize a stitch weld method Just make sure your welder is setup reverse polarity before welding on any vehicle, and have the electrical system disconnected.


About the traffic problem, I lived in Milwaukee Wi for sometime i worked 2nd shift downtown so 2pm headed to the city everyday I41 / 45 and I94 three lanes wide 3 fucking stupid assholes are driving 5 under the limit and have backed traffic up for fucking miles, and wholly shit if it was rainy stand the fuck by. You might as well call in sick.  Wisconsin Drivers are the fucking worst!!!!




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From: Dr. Lovehard

Message: Good article for news with Nick:



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From: FQS-9137-A (Building ontology)

Message: What’s blue and fucks Swedish grannies?



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From: CVRamen

Message: Just listened to PCL115. Great PCL episode!

There’s this thing that your show does really well that I don’t think

you’ve gotten props for yet.


Sometimes, when you are attempting to play a sound drop, but you play a

*different* drop, you improvise around it, instead of pretending it

didn’t happen.


Like that one time a while ago when you were about to play a typewriter

drop but played a restaurant drop instead, and instead of ignoring it,

you worked around it!


And if anyone doesn’t know what good sound drop improvisation has to do

with PCL115, then GET OFF YOUR ASS and go to pukeandthegang.com/vip!

Only the wettest wet-blankets would think they are not getting their

money’s worth.




BTW, check out these drops!

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