
PATG288: Pastrami Mountain

PATG288: Pastrami Mountain

*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 15 / July / 2017

The Gang – Puke, Andrew, Nick

Intro – “Instrumental Experiment 6” by  Mike Carano


Guest –  [ Erica ] ~ [ Car Friend ]


~~~  www. Puke And The Gang .com  ~~~

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Incoherent Listener Ramblings –

~ [See Below]


Break Promo –

~ PCL #127 Andrew and Brett’s Teen Saga Pt3


Talkings About –

~ #CTTC2017 (Climb to the Clouds)

~ Photos of the Mt Washington Hillclimb Race: http://www.dooms-day-device.com/Automotive/Climb-to-the-Clouds/CTTC2017


~ Video of Pastrana: https://youtu.be/v-4j6mPkAYM?list=FLaMtC5dbYBoh-dLsrXgtA3g


~ Video of 240Z Mt Washington Crash: https://youtu.be/ZyPzalFDFMk?list=FLaMtC5dbYBoh-dLsrXgtA3g


Incoherent Ramblings – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

From: Josh D.

Message: You’re welcome! The flow and banter between you guys is great and I love listening and laughing my ass off. If I’m ever in NH I’m buying you guys a round of drinks.

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From: Rob S.

Message:  i really enjoy your guy’s show. I wish you guys didn’t live in the liberty nerd haven of new hampshire but rather lived in the quasi liberty oriented indiana. You guys seem really awesome. Thank you for the show.

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From: Everett W.

Message: Yo guys I’ve been going through some rough shit in the past months. 3 jobs, hopefully starting my 4th soon but won’t get paid for weeks. I was supposed to be in training right now as I’m writing this, but due to someone’s incompetence I’m not in the system.


I smashed my finger in my car door probably about as bad as Nick’s toe but I didn’t go to the doc since I can’t afford Obama care. It’s slowly falling off and luckily doesn’t hurt anymore. I smashed it the same night I got a speeding ticket for 83 in a 50 by a state POS. I’m taking it to party because I couldn’t pay it at the time and partly because fuck’m. The trial is on the third and I still can’t pay it so I might be doing jail time. Any advice would be great I’ve never gone to trial before. Or jail for that matter.


Funnily enough one night after a particular bad day I sat in my driveway overwhelmed with stress and depression and I asked the universe how much longer I would have to wait before anything good would happen. I literally went inside and started show #286 while doing dishes. To my great shock I heard Puke call me out by name for being a douchebag who’s payments had stopped. I seriously thought that I was hallucinating and that I had really and truly lost it that time. Lucky after rewinding several times I realised that I wasn’t crazy, just a looser with no money. While this might seem like something that would only worsen my depression, it in fact had the opposite effect. I could not stop laughing.


As a strange turn of events the very next day I was approached by a very cute lady whom I worked with. Despite my better judgement and Nick’s advice about co-worker affairs I decided to go for it. And I’m happy to say that she is one of a few bright spots in my life, asides from my cat, y’all’s podcast and the sweet embrace of booze.


I find it funny/scary how close my life has been to the recent activity of PatG. Are you guys secretly watching me for show content? Or if my life is just mirroring the lives of the PatG crew could you please have better things happen to y’all?


This isn’t a sob story or anything I just found it odd that so many similarities have occurred and since I had the day free I thought I’d get around to writing this over due and overly personal message.


Also I started a $10 dollar sub and still have my $5. I’ll probably cancel the $5 at some point and stick with the $10 but since my account is over drawn I’m not sure it matters. In any case if y’all could find it in your collective hearts to re-re-re-activate my PCL i would be super grateful. I think both a $5 and $10 charge went through since it was last cut off but I also think that y’all let me slide for a while with a lapsed sub so it’s up to you guys. I’ll stick with whatever y’all decide and as soon as my account isn’t in the red I’ll be sure to send y’all some hard earned cash.


-Everett W.

Aka function13

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