
PATG308: Port Man Toe

PATG308: Port Man Toe

*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 17 / Dec / 2017

The Gang – Puke, Andrew, Nick

Intro – “Instrumental Experiment 6” by  Mike Carano


Guest –  [ Brett ] ~ [ Last Man ] ~ [ www.schoolsucksproject.com ]


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Incoherent Listener Ramblings –

~ [See Below]


Talkings About –

~ The old days

~ Puke visits Coinstar

~ Am I a Sucker?

~ Still no address for winner of Joe’s shit!

Incoherent Ramblings – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

From: Agorist Jim

Message:  i find it interesting how nick has the balls to critize Will Coley and ian both of these guys are fighing the state of new hampsire and standing up for human rights all the while nick talks shit about him on his little radio podcast if you have such a probelm with ian and the free state project then why did you move their if you arn’t gonna fight for freedom then why are you claiming to love liberty the entire time i listen to your show you make me realize you are oneo f the problems in the libertarian movement you critize but you dont DO ANYTHING why don’t you invite will and ian on to discuss what you hate about them? you dont gonna do that because you are a little fucking rat snake pussy who only cares about yourself

i was gonna ignore your little show until a few weeks ago i was listening to your podcast and i heard nick say the N-word i understand he may think this is funny and all but the reality is i havea bi racial littel cousin and i don’t think peopel like you should be apart of the movement you only try and hurt people and never heal people

today we have a president who thinks its okay to say there was violence on both side when one side had the fucking KKK on it of coure nick probably thinks its funny that someone died that day so his immature ass will keep making shitty jokes


puke is another peroson who is a dissapointment to the libertarian movement i remember back in 2008 while listeing to free talk live i heard puke call in the be so happy that he was leaving the army to join ian and the free state project he has happiness in his voice and was ready to make a change today puke is an asshole just like nikk and want to tear down what ian and darryle have created you make jokes but dont do anyting yoruself i hope you realize how good you ahve it in keene


brett shocked me when i found out he hangs out with guys like nick i used to love his podcast but i guess he thinks its better to hangout with assholes like nick and talk shit about muslims like will coley i guess he don’t care about liberty


i don’t know much about andre but he doesn’t seems like a libertarian he’s too much of an asshole and he sounds like a man who abuses women so fuck him


i hope one day you little boys gorw up and stop talkin shit about will coley one day i hope to move to keene and meet ian and will and darryle perry and thank them for everything they do

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From: Michael L.

Message: PodCruncher s what I use for PCL on my iPhone. Works gr at with password feeds!     Mike in Tacoma


Please excuse any mistakes in my spelling Siri and auto correct are hard at work!

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