
PATG322: Panopticon of Dicks

PATG322: Panopticon of Dicks

*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 08 / April / 2018

The Gang – Puke & Andrew

Intro – “Instrumental Experiment 6” by  Mike Carano


Guest –  [ Brett Veinotte ] ~ [ www.schoolsucksproject.com ]


~~~  www. Puke And The Gang .com  ~~~

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+ Address : 461 Cochran Rd. PMB216, Pittsburgh, PA 15228

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~ just search “Puke and the Gang” ~

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Incoherent Listener Ramblings –

~ [See Below]


Break Promo –

~ PCL #NWN for March 30th 2018


Talkings About –

Go listen to News With Nick and submit stories to news@newswithnick.com

~ Dick Number and Vag Volume

~ Andrew goes to a gym!

~ Stupid ICANN WHOIS spamming the hell out of me.

~ Andrew buys a gadget!? [https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/p/583562]

~ Podcast studio table number 27.

~ Teen Wolf movie review.


News –

~ [p] Is this a listener?


New & Cool –

~ [p] Book called “Does It Fart?

~ [p] “Annihilation” Movie Review


Incoherent Ramblings – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

From: Jess

Message: If you want to be more productive, add to your design portfolio and make some extra cash you should get on some of the freelancer sites. Just do an old Googly search for “freelance job sites” and you’ll find millions of blog posts linking to hundreds of sites. Start with the ones you see listed over & over again.

Another thing to do is go check out local businesses. Do they have a shitty menu? Website? Logo? Yes, you’ll have to talk to someone, I know you hate that, but just try it, the worst thing that happens is they never contact you about it. Drop them your card, offer them a good deal. When you’re trying to build a portfolio sometimes you have to do work for cheaper than you might want but if you can get the business to then drop a review for you online somewhere that’s extra points! Plus, maybe they’ll tell their business owner buddies about you and you’ll start getting word of mouth business.

Just some ideas J


P.S. You guys should update the bingo, some the stuff that shows up will never happen on a show again, like anything about Julia.

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From: Little Terry

Message: Andrew is a genius for figuring out “afternoon” school. I wish i would’ve thought of that!

Andrew Genius

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From: Theodore

Message: Dear Puke,

What rank were you at when you left the army? I’ve always wondered.

Yours, Theo

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From: Johannes

Message: Hi!


Since it’s spring and Igor Stravinsky once wrote a pretty cool movement for a spring-related ballet, maybe you can do something with it playing in the background. Perhaps something beginning with: “Andrew! It’s spring! There’s so much to do here in Pittsburgh!”, and go on from there. Or maybe share a spring-induced frustration you could share. I don’t know, there’s something missing from this to make a complete idea, I hope you can flesh it out. Maybe the Saab needs new springs? Maybe just read this email with the song in the background, though it’s not long enough. I don’t know, but it’s spring and I really like this particular snippet of classical music. Maybe it’ll give you an energetic start for the show. Or maybe I’m delusional and this is stupid, in which case ignore this message.


Here’s the wav file of the relevant piece of music:



Have fun!

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