
PATG356: Emo Cow

PATG356: Emo Cow

*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 21 / Dec / 2018

The Gang – Puke, Andrew, & Brett

Intro – “Instrumental Experiment 6” by  Mike Carano


~~~  www. Puke And The Gang .com  ~~~

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Incoherent Listener Ramblings –

~ [See Below]


Break Promo –

~ The Discomfort Zone: Meeting 7


Talkings About –

~ Car door lock follow-up. Not Puke’s fault.

~ Customer service

~ The Purge Continues


~ [a] What to do about drinking?

~ Music


Incoherent Ramblings – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

From: Nick H.

Message: Hey gang,

This is the yak farmer, Nick, I live in Oregon and wanted to suggest places to go if you decide to drive from Utah to Bend again. I’ve driven that a couple times, it’s beautiful country.

Fuck Portland next time, if you want to spend time in Western Oregon, stay south of Portland. Portland, Eugene, and Salem are the worst cities, not worth visiting unless you’re really into weed tourism.


If you want good food, wine country around McMinnville and Newberg have some good places. I live around Corvallis, a college town and it has some great restaurants and bars.

Up and down the coast has fantastic food, I recommend sticking south of Lincoln City, less traffic bullshit on 101.

In Central/Eastern Oregon(Bend area), Bend has cool places to eat and so does Sisters.  I don’t know much about that area but know people who know where to go.


If you want scenery the cascades have a lot of mountain views and lakes. The coast is gorgeous, even if it’s raining. The valley around Portland, Salem, Corvallis, and Eugene isn’t super pretty. But where I live, the coastal mountain range, is beautiful.

I know a lot of cool spots around my area that only the locals know about, a lot of mountain views, big trees, and small rivers.

Crater Lake is pretty rad in the cascades. The Three Sisters are fun to drive around, great hikes around there. Mt Hood is pretty cool too, but more touristy(close to Portland). There are a lot of lakes between Mt Bachelor and Diamond Peak

When you’re in way Eastern Oregon, the Painted Hills are worth seeing. Driving from Burns to Bend is cool(probably the way Andrew went from Salt Lake.


Almost everywhere in Oregon is absolutely stunning, but stay away from the Columbia River and the bigger cities.

If any of you do decide to come back to Oregon, hit me up. I’d be glad to show you around my neck of the woods. Born and raised in these hills, I could show you some cool drives and views. I know some nice places to eat and drink around Corvallis and McMinnville too.


Anyway, always loving the show. I’m totally against drop counter and love the intros. But shut the fuck up with all this “embarassed to talk about the show” and talking about how bad the show is on air. All of you underappreciate the merits of this show, especially how awkward and silly it is. People don’t listen to Puke and the Gang for Level 5 jokes, they listen for the Level 1’s and stories from the grocery store!

More about life in Pittsburg, less about how good Puke is at telling stories. He isn’t good at it, we can fucking hear that ourselves, and we don’t mind! Andrew gets mad at people. Yeah, no shit, that’s why we listen! Brett’s weird-voice bits randomly interrupt interesting stories, and that’s fucking funny.

Stop talking about notes and the show being boring, that’s what makes it not entertaining. Everything else is gold! You don’t need a new name, you need to go back to your roots. More guests, show-note-mention counter, and more bits.


But you’re not the funniest podcast ever. “Kill Tony”, The #1 Live Streamed Podcast in the World is much funnier. So are most professional comedian’s shows. You’re in the Little League of comedic podcasts.


Thanks and Love,

Nick H. aka Yak Boy

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