
PATG367: When I Look at Your Tits I Only See Dollar Signs

PATG367: When I Look at Your Tits I Only See Dollar Signs

*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 10 / Mar / 2019

The Gang – Puke, Andrew, & Brett

Intro – “Instrumental Experiment 6” by  Mike Carano

~~~  www. Puke And The Gang .com  ~~~

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Incoherent Listener Ramblings –

~ [See Below]

Break Promo –

~ PCL #186: Ep365: Part 3: The Attactor

Talkings About –

~ Daylight fuckings

~ World turtle

~ Andrew getting into arguments and sausage plattering about biases/identity politics.

~~ The War Against Boys

~ [a] The Bunta Driving Technique

~ NWN Clip

~ PA lottery fucks handing out lottery ticket vouchers to Walmart customers.

~ [p] New phone / Galaxy S10

Incoherent Ramblings – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

From: ReyInjunCancer27

Message: I heard that congress passed funding for quantum computing


I didn’t know what quantum computing was so I googled it and up came Geordie Rose, creator of thee FIRST quantum computer, and he is giving speeches about how quantum computing will bring in AI that is so smart they will be like the HP Lovecraft alien cthulhu into our reality. Geordie Rose also talks about accessing parallel universes and taking(stealing?) valuable resources from those parallel universe/different timelines/etc.

Also, these aren’t my words, these are Geordie Rose’s own words. Seeing with what the internet brought us and the wave of freedom it has gave us that big tech had to censor people like alex jones. What do you think quantum computing will bring us in the fight for freedom and/or more alex jones archetypes in our future?

FYI: been listening to your show since the crying Nazi mention it on his show in 2014-ish.

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