
PATG376: Ninja Fire Department

PATG376: Ninja Fire Department

*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 11 / May / 2019

The Gang – Puke, Andrew, & Brett

~~~  www. Puke And The Gang .com  ~~~

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Break Promo –

~ The Discomfort Zone: S02E08 – Upgrade Your Problems

Talkings About –

~ Tricentennial, is this a real word?

~ [b] DMSO Cream (Horse Tranquilizer)

~ [a] I need a shin doctor.

~ [a] Bringing the conversation back on one’s self.

~ [a/b] NO MORE TEXTS!

~ [a] I dress like a movie bad-guy.

~ Brett learns to manually Auto-Tune himself

~ Episode Title Fight

~ Andrew watches clips from Game of Thrones

~ [p] Goose People that are actually just goose.

~ [p] House hunting failure

~ Andrew gets angry because Puke is dumb.
