
PATG389: Fucker Cuts

PATG389: Fucker Cuts

*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 18 / Aug / 2019

The Gang – Puke, Andrew, & Brett 

~~~  www. Puke And The Gang .com  ~~~

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Incoherent Listener Ramblings –

~ [See Below]

Break Promo –

~ “The Seven” Submissions

Talkings About – 

~ Brett in New Hampshire

~ Birthday Season

~ [a] The Longest Breakfast Order

~ [a] Family restaurant disaster

~ Grandma’s iPad

~ [b] Swarm of bugs at the beach.

~ [b] The wrong O2 sensor replaced

~ [a] Restaurant idea “Judge”

~ [a] Don’t prepare for presentations

~ [a] Red pill of satisfaction. 

~ What’s the point of caring about politics?

Incoherent Ramblings – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 

From: Jess

Message: I made the life choice to start re-listening to all of Puke and the Gang. Why? Because why the fuck not, and because I have nothing better to do and love the show.

I just finished the first episode. The structure of the show has changed dramatically but I was surprised by how little Andrew, Puke & Nick have actually changed. Puke was self deprecating and hates the name of the show. Nick had his own “critical Nick segment” and gets excited about the news. Andrew complains about everything, talks about cars, he even mentions that he’s been watching Top Gear on Netflix but it’s taking forever because he keeps falling asleep!

The only thing that really surprised me was Andrew saying he likes the Harry Potter movies, considering that these days he shits all over any fantasy TV/movies.

Is the “Your dick causes all the bad things in my life” drop from this episode or has Andrew said that more than once? It didn’t quite sound like the drop.

One thing that I miss from the earlier shows is the music.

Keep up the great work!


P.S. I’ll probably be sending more emails commenting on old shows as I go through them.

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From: Brian L. 

Message: Because of the large amount of joy you’ve brought to my life, I’m considering upping my monthly to the $10 level, buuuuut….

I accidentally caught you guys live-streaming on Sunday (which initially brought me joy) until I saw it…Each of you did it…One after the other…





At first I thought, “no, it can’t be true. My heroes can’t be gay for robot cock!”

But I kept watching, and the horror continued to unfold.

You guys suck fancy metal dildos, Inside, ON CAMERA, on PURPOSE!?!?!?!?

For God’s Sake, are you not men? Have you no sense of decency?

Nothing looks sillier than grown men puffing on robot dicks.

Please consider snorting coke or at least smoke a pipe like those Barbell Logic guys!

Anyway, hope all is well and I’m crossing my fingers hoping for a new Discomfort Zone.

Take care and don’t make me smack that Automoton Schlong Outta yer mouths

Brian L

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From: Jess

Message: Hey guys,

In my adventures listening through the old archives I found the first PatG product, Shitty Slicker. It’s in episode #13 (time stamp 1:30:43). The idea came from Larry for a “smoking jacket” you wear when shitting. It’s hilarious and could make a great PCL promo.

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From: Johannes


You know how sometimes you forget people’s birthdays? And you lose touch with someone, although they really weren’t such a bad person? Admit it, you need a way to organize the people in your life. Writing their names down and putting them in a drawerganizer doesn’t quite cut it, and it would be something of an overkill to build a grid system with a movable track system to fetch people’s facsimiles on an as-needed basis. You just need a system where a person’s face floats by just as they are relevant to you. We have thought long and hard and we have come up with a creative solution, but until recently, we didn’t have a name for this contraption. Head river seemed a little on the nose and, critically, it lacked alliteration. Smilestream looked a little better, but seemed a little vague. Visage waterway was very weird. But we did figure it out at last, and here it is. Introducing: Facebrook.
