
402: Wait, NO. Start at the Beginning!

402: Wait, NO. Start at the Beginning!

*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 29 / Nov / 2019

The Gang – Puke, Andrew, & Brett 

Guest –  [ Nick R. ] ~ [ www.NewsWithNick.com

~~~  www. Puke And The Gang .com  ~~~

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+ Email : show@pukeandthegang.com  

+ Our Donation Page : pukeandthegang.com/support-page

+ Episode Photos : facebook.com/PukeAndTheGang/photos_stream

+ Merchandise : redbubble.com/people/DoomsDayDevice

+ Address : None ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

~ just search “Puke and the Gang” ~

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Talkings About – 

~ Nick is here!

~ We’re doing better than any other podcast!

~ The News Quiz by www.NewsWithNick.com 

~ [a] Petrochemical fight.

~ What is Nick doing in Pittsburgh?

~ Going to Wahlburgers

~ [a] I’m not in charge of dinner!

~ Dinner plan fire suppression. 

~ [b] Poker problems

~ The Futile System

~ Nick’s Thanksgiving

~ Andrew takes Nick to a 5K race.

~ [a] Accidental anthem protest. 

~ Andrew’s Thanksgiving

~ Puke’s Thanksgiving

~ Brett’s Thanksgiving

~ Angstgiving

~ [b] Going Lone Wolf
