
449: Confluence of Puke Can’t Be the Sheau Name

Recording Date – 26 / Sep / 2020

The Gang – Andrew & Puke

Intro Song – “Peculiar” by The Slackers

Guest –  Amy

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Break Promo –

~ PCL #217: What If the Toes Were In the Pipes? 

Talkings About – 

~ [a] I am getting decreed upon. 

~ Baby skull cane.

~ Why didn’t we hike?

~ Oil Creek / Oil Creek State Park – Pa DCNR – PA.gov

~ [p] Selling my house.

~ Endless Pools

~ Okay, HOBO!

~ What is a minigun? / Minigun – Wikipedia

~ BOMBSHELL! More like a numbshell.

~ GMT: World Time & Converters

~ [p] I’m glad we went out west when we did. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_California_wildfires 

~ Gender reveal parties are dumb. 

~ [a] Thoughts on women’s fashion.

~ [a] Watching a bad date at the bar.

~ Andrew’s creepy porn fetishes. 
