
471: Business Dancer

*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 28 / Mar / 2021

The Gang – Andrew & Puke

Intro Song – “The Tears of A Clown” by Smokey Robinson & The Miracles

Guest –  Brett

~~~  www. Portmansheau .com  ~~~

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Talkings About – 

~ New Puke and The Gang archive podcast feed now available. 

~ We still don’t have a coffee table book yet. 

~ [b] Trader Joe’s cheese.

~ [p] I’m a slave to the dish-washer.

~ [a] My father did pass away.

~ Why don’t we have stronger emotions?

~ Does Brett have superior sentimentality?

~ Brett has a new GF. She likes Andrew’s Miata.

~ Brett vacuums the table for some reason.

~ [a] Pay attention to the poker game!

~ [b] Playing poker when high.

~ [a] I’m going to Columbus for no reason.

~ Tim is baked. 

~ Can Brett be your call-out guy?

~ Andrew wants a dancer guy.

~ Business dancer. 

~ [p] My house is sold!

~ [p] Did I learn my lessons?

~ [a] I got a letter from the school district. 
