
493: Poopitraitor

*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 18 / Sep / 2021

The Gang – Andrew & Puke

Intro Song – “Quincentuple Your Money” by  The Lawrence Arms 

Outro Song – “Quincentuple Your Money” by Brendan Kelly

Guest –  Brett, Gabriala, Danny, and Alice

~ Danny’s book / The Story of Nowhere / https://storyofnowhere.com/ 

~~~  www. Portmansheau .com  ~~~

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Talkings About – 

~ Welcome to Pittsburgh Danny and Alice. 

~ Danny’s book / The Story of Nowhere / https://storyofnowhere.com/ 

~ Andrew gifts his watch.

~ [a] Asians at the Home Depot.

~ [b] The wrong detergent. 

~ Endocrine disruptors. 

~ [g] Tofu

~ Back to the Asians, then the Amish at Home Depot.

~ Gabriela once dated an Amish!

~ Are the Amish good or bad?

~ [a] House still smells like curry.

~ Cities smell like garbage. 

~ [b] Shipping container costs are going up.

~ [a] I can’t get designer goods.

~ Superman Lex Luthor scene. / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACiK6YKmIgI 

~ [b] Australia

~ Did Brett and Andrew help Danny at MPLF?

~ Mandatory vaccine.

~ Gung Ho movie. / https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091159/?ref_=tt_mv_close 

~ Will unions be the group that fights vaccine mandates?

~ [a] Demolition Man is the real future.

~ [b] What is going on in the black community?

~ St Patrick’s Day in September

~ [g] What was in the toilet?! Poop!

~ Andrew is getting a poop analysis.

~ Did an Amazon driver leave a shit?!

~ [g] Underwear mystery.

~ Why are Danny and Alice in Pittsburgh?

~ [alice] Brett can’t drive!

~ Gooski’s Bar

~ Nicki Minaj Tweetstorm

~ Tweet 1 / https://twitter.com/nickiminaj/status/1437526877808128000?lang=en 

~ Tweet 2 / https://twitter.com/nickiminaj/status/1437532566945341441 
