
Month: February 2024

  • 610: BusBoner.com

    610: BusBoner.com

    Episode 610: Websites have ruined Andrew’s week. The Kansas City parade shooting. When the Red Sox almost won the pendant. Google’s new super racist AI. The next generation of porn. Chip-chopped ham. Sebastian calls in from India trying to sell us a website. The enraging PGH City woke-cast. COMPUTER CRASH! We recover from the destruction…

  • 609: You Wanna Hear White People Say the N-Word?

    609: You Wanna Hear White People Say the N-Word?

    Episode 609: We had a great night at the PGH Improv watching based Canadian Ryan Long. The worst day to drive to Cleveland to pick up the race car. SO much Hitler talk! What is the exact date, and time you were born b/c Gabriela has a new astrology book or cult or something. Andrew…

  • 608: Nacho Credit

    608: Nacho Credit

    Episode 608: Improvised caterwauling! New suits and new boots. Hotel weed smoke. African bird dancing. American trans dancing. Effeminate man dancing. The Macho Mandalorian. Coping with clubs. Destroying over-confidant children at Mario kart. The Swifty Bowl. Brett rides a bus. Too many Subway sandwiches.

  • 607: FBI’m Joking!

    607: FBI’m Joking!

    Episode 607: It’s an episode just chock full o’ trailer nuts! We ramble on about all kinds of shows and movies. Andrew finds the absolute worst reality “show” on the internet, and then ruins our lives by telling us about it’s existence. Thanks nerds! Also, Puke thinks the NFL is rigged.