


*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*

Recording Date – 11 / Aug / 2013
Music picked by – [Listener: Black Jeebus]
The Gang – Puke, Andrew, Julia, Nick

Intro Song –

Guest –

  • [Name] Dale
  • [About] Host of Flaming Freedom radio show.
  • [URL] Flaming Freedom

Weekly Ramblings –

  • Thank you Anthony Harvey. You’re going to get mugged.
  • Julia flew a corporate jet

Curmudgeon Corner –

  • [p] I was carded buying cigarettes!
  • [a] Ali is mad at me because I let the world know that she poops
    • poop talk
  • [j] Hair-tastrophy part deux
  • [a] I am a biker guy now.

Break Song –


Incoherent Ramblings –

  • [See Below]

News –

Toilet seat etiquette
Dale farts on Julia!
Blow jobs, to swallow or not to swallow?

Outro Plugs –

Outro Song –

Incoherent Ramblings – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
From: Jonathon Law
Message: Hey P&tG, It’s your one black listener again. Got a fucking bone to pick with you Puke. I’m listening to epi 101 right now, and near the beginning of it, you spoke about how organized you had the episodes. And “ooh, it’s so easy to find what you need” and “blah blah i love nazis fucking blah”. Look at the attached photos, two of them are whats listed for your podcast and one of them is from FTL. Can you see a difference? Yes, you’re right, P&tG is not organized! I thought it would’ve been fixed by now, but I guess I’m the only iPhone user. Ughhh. It’s not a big deal. It’s a huge deal! FIX IT! Yes, I want, no, I need, you to go back to every single episode, and find a way to fix it!  Thanks!!!
bee tee dubs, congrats on the 100 episodes. It’s a really good show, looking forward to 100 more!
Oh, and jonny law is not my real name. duh.
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From: Karyn R.
Message: Hey gang,
Just wanted to drop in and say I completely agree with Andrew. The world would be a better place if we could smoke in all the places that we used to. Smokers are vilified and treated like second class citizens. In my state you can’t even smoke on a public beach. The ironic thing is that I live in North Carolina, one of the biggest contributors to the tobacco industry!
Anyway, as another smoker, I felt like joining in the rant. Thanks for listening.
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From: Jacob P.
Message: Ok Gang; I got to correct some stuff you talked about on the last episode. Most of the gang, except Julia sometimes, don’t know shit about medical stuff. It bugs me kind of like how Puke/Andrew get their panties in a twist when movies fuck up guns or cars.

If someone has a legit allergy, it rarely goes away after repeated exposures. It will most likely get worse they more they are exposed to it. This is especially true of food and insect sting allergies, which tend to be the most severe, and lead to anaphylaxis (ie your throat closes, you swell up and die).
This can be different for minor allergies (the sniffles), like seasonal ones that can randomly disappear and reappear with repeated exposures.

As for the increase in people who have allergies, theres two reasons for that. One is that people with severe, life threatening allergies are living longer because treatments have gotten better. This means they reproduce and pass on their unfortunate genes to their children.

The second reason is now its “trendy” to require special foods. Just look at how the whole “gluten free” thing has taken off. People sit around all day and then the TV tells them that they should/shouldn’t be eating x y or z, then they have to parade their “special requirement” around whenever they’re out in public.

You guys also spent time pondering about shit again. I sent you guys a book all about shit. It goes into detail way beyond the bristol stool chart.
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From: Free New Hampshire form the Free State Hoodlums
Message: I have a great idea for a show! First of all how about if you stop cussing on the radio. second of all how about if you move back to where you came from. Third of all how about you go JUMP IN A LAKE!
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Photos – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Julia’s new hair-tastrophy.

Dale salutes Hitler.

The studio animals.

Dale farts in Julia’s unsuspecting face.


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