Episode Thirty-six: The zombie lord shall rise! And once risen he shall consume all of your chocolate rodent offerings!
Episode Thirty-three: This episode is DYNAMITE! Throw your hands in the air! In the air,air,air,aria,roar,ariakrkrakiarairiamr MURDER RAGE!!!!
Episode Thirty-two: There’s no time for you to smoke that cigarette! We have a racquetball appointment.
Episode Thirty-one: Tune in for tales of religious childhood tragedy, butt-plug hilarity, and ass shaving wonderment.
Episode Twenty-nine: Fill with mingled cream and amber, I will drain that glass again. Such hilarious visions clamber Through the chamber of my brain. Quaintest thoughts, queerest fancies, Come to life and fade away. What care I how time advances; I am drinking ale today.